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St. Michael's Nursery School, Belfast


2022/2023 School Year

The children were given the opportunity to use their senses to explore and investigate...
The children so enjoyed their movement and dance session with Jemma . 
Messy play helps build fine motor control,problem-solving skills, foundational maths...
Practising mindfulness can help children notice their emotions like how their breath...
Our children are encouraged to explore their natural environment and develop their...
Nursery rhymes introduce children to the idea of story telling, promote social skills...

2021/2022 School Year

16th Mar 2022
We had a special visit from Paddy the leprechaun.  The boys and girls found...
3rd Mar 2022
The children all had a great day dressed as characters from their favourite stories. ...
1st Mar 2022
The children had so much fun making pancakes on Pancake Tuesday! they were so delicious!